Friday, 2 December 2011

A couple of beach combing photos from Scotland....

In October I went to Edinburgh for a few days quiet time, but unbeknown to me the chilly shores of Scotland are amazing for providing fantastic beach combing finds. So it was less quiet time and more beach combing time! Here are some shots from those few days:

Whenever I'm beach combing it's always "head straight down"and eagle-eyes at the ready

Finding ceramics amongst the mallards!

 After a long and cold day beach combing, I empty my pockets, lay out my finds and take stock (I was much happier than I appear to be in the photograph; I think I'm concentrating!)...

 ..... amongst which are some really beautiful pieces of blue china.

I'm really, really excited about making some new pieces with my Scottish finds so please watch this space to see what I come up with! Hopefully lots more trips to the Scottish Shores will soon follow and then I'll have a wealth of beautiful found objects.

Many thanks to Collette for her photographic skills and her patience during my beach combing exploits!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Winnersh Primary School, Wokingham, 2nd and 3rd of November......

A couple of weeks ago I undertook two days worth of colourful, found object workshops with fiftyYear 5 pupils at Winnersh Primary School in Wokingham. I spent a day with each year 5 group, and both classes were fantastically enthusiastic and creative! For these workshops I tried out a couple of new ideas and concepts, including working with melted plastic bottle tops and creating 3-dimensional structures using twigs from the playing field, which worked really well.

I asked the pupils to bring in colourful bottle tops, old clothes, plastic bags and anything else that they came across and were interested in. We ended up with quite a lot of tops and it took an awful long time to melt them all down in the oven.....

 A small selection, pre-melting


....and after (6 lovely colours!)

 When the metallics melted down they produced some lovely, shimmering results.

Another lovely colour scheme!

This was the lid of a Body Shop container, and when it melted down it produced this lovely, 
but slightly strange, face. The pupils were particularly fond of this piece, and it came 
in great use during activity 4!

And here it is with its melted neighbours.

The bottle tops that melted down and formed "Os" made up the first of four activities.

This table of drilled driftwood bits made up the second activity.

 Twigs, fresh from the field, and the materials below (colourful old clothes and fabric, ribbon, wool, plastic bags, scoobies, and embroidery thread) were activity three; twig wrapping to make decorative objects.

Unfortunately I don't have a photograph of activity four, but it produced some fine and some very humorous results (images of which are hopefully to follow shortly!).

After undertaking all four activities we headed outside to the nature garden to install the pupil's lovely pieces. The children also undertook some video camera reporting on their day, interviewing each other about which activities they enjoyed most during the day, and what they found challenging. Here are a couple of photographs from the slightly blustery nature garden.....

 Various bottle tops held together with scoobies (plastic tubing) and cable ties

 A lovely example of a very colourful decorative object

 We arranged the "Cheerios" along one line of the wooden structure which made 
an interesting curtain like feature, and they looked lovely as they moved about in the wind.

One group of pupils clubbed together and made an extra long bottle top piece which they named 
"The Random". A small section of which is featured above!

 The Cheerios curtain! Very nice and colourful.

 Another lovely decorative object featuring wool, plastic bag strips, ribbon and various 
types of fabric. The colour scheme is really quite striking and slightly unusual.

 Decorative objects moving about as they should in the wind!

I will add further images as soon as I receive them from the school; there are some amazing images to follow!

I must say many, many thanks to Miss Hammond for all of her enthusiasm and help with planning!!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Driftwood Accommodation Series for craft2eu Shop, Hamburg.....

This week I have been mainly working on making more Christmas Decorations and a range of Accommodation Series pieces for the craft2eu shop in Hamburg. They took longer than I thought they would to achieve (mainly because I got carried away making tower blocks!).

You may recognise these little blocks from my accessories range, but they are quite cute as pieces in themselves, and I feel that they look especially nice when there is a group of them! So, here they are in my garden:

I think that in regards to these pieces, perspective and scale go right out of the window!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Beach Combing Photographs............

I am so used to beach combing alone, but over the past few months I have had a few people join me, who have taken photos. It was nice to have the company but quite strange at the same time, and it demonstrated how fussy I am about what I pick up!

Here are a fine selection of the photographs to show you! Thanks to Eva, Gavin and Collette!

 Happy to find a good piece of driftwood!

 Making sure I comb the whole beach!

 Scaring the seagulls!

 Excusing the cheesy pose, this is a spot that I love to look at, it's always different!

 "I have great desire, my desire is great". Complete with the obligatory man-with-metal-detector!

 To keep or not to keep...?

 There is sand on Brighton beach!!

Not liking having my photo taken!

Research Trip to Edinburgh....

Last week I went to Edinburgh for a few days to collect new materials and do research, and here are some images of what I saw and enjoyed!

 Fresh produce on sale at Craigie's Farm

 Lovely colours and shapes

 A mallard enjoying the pond at the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens

 Pink-bottomed traffic cones? Never seen these before!

 Painted dry-stone wall

 A beach made almost entirely of various shells and well worn pieces of slate.

 Odd painted rocks on sticks in a neighbour's garden

 I like this font!

Luss on Loch Lomond, a very beautiful place

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Yesterday, in Sunny Eastbourne....

Here are some photographs from my day trip to Eastbourne yesterday. I hadn't planned to take a trip to Beachy Head as well, but it was beautiful up there with the numerous paragliders flying about in the bright sunshine. Although I did actually take the very long (but more scenic) route and ended up freezing cold as the sun went in! I like the way that you can see the day coming to an end in the photographs. Enjoy!

 Heading up the hill, not quite sure where I'm meant to be going, but enjoying the view nonetheless!


 I love this photo!

 This photo looks like 3 pictures in 1! Check out Eastbourne Pier in the background.
I was very impressed that none of the paragliders bumped into each other, but they 
did come close when landing.

 Beachy Head Lighthouse!

 The pub, the people and the paragliders!

 Watching up above. (I love this photo too!)

 A dusk view of Eastbourne, and two Mister Magpies!

 A very quiet, and pretty, promenade.